Installation Contents

When the installation has finished, the following objects should be present:

  • Subsystem description (if you elected to have a subsystem created)
  • Job queue (if a subsystem was created)
  • Job description (if a subsystem was created)
  • Class (if a subsystem was created)
  • STARTUP program
  • STARTUP source file
  • QPRINT printer file
  • A list of *PGM and *SRVPGM objects
  • A list of files, containing Uniface 4GL objects and assignment files

Startup Program

The subsystem has STARTUP as an autostart entry, using the job queue created by the installer. The STARTUP program was compiled using the STARTUP source file, which contains a CL member STARTUP, such as the following:

           PARM('TCP:+13001')) +
           JOB(UROUTER) +
           JOBD(UNIFxxxx/UNIFxxxx) +
           OUTQ(*JOBD) +
           RTGDTA(UNIFACE) +
           CURLIB(UNIFxxxx) +
           CCSID(37) +

Note the following:

  • The single quotes, the colon, and the plus sign in 'TCP:+13001' are all required.
  • The ALWMLTTHD(*YES) option is also specified in the job description, so ALWMLTTHD(*JOBD) would also work. The UROUTER is multithreaded, so multiple threads must be allowed.
  • If you are using DLM licensing, you can add the submission of the DLM server to the STARTUP CL program so that both the Uniface Router and the DLM server are started and stopped at the same time. You can add additional Uniface Router jobs to STARTUP, as long as they all use different port numbers. If you do this, make sure you copy the JOBD() parameter as-is from the existing SBMJOB command, otherwise the extra jobs will not run in the same subsystem.
  • Any change to member STARTUP in file STARTUP requires recompilation, shutting down and restarting the subsystem before the change takes effect.

Complete Object List

Product objects used by Uniface
Object Type Description
UNIFxxxx *JOBQ Uniface Job queue 1
UNIFxxxx *JOBD Uniface Job description 1
UNIFxxxx *CLS Uniface Router Class 1
UNIFxxxx *SBSD Uniface Router Subsystem description 1
IDE *PGM Uniface Interactive Development Environment
UDE *PGM Uniface Development Environment
UNIFACE *PGM Uniface Batch
UROUTER *PGM Uniface Router
STARTUP *PGM Uniface Router Autostart program
USERVER *PGM Uniface Server
URM *PGM Uniface Resource Manager
UDEPLOY *PGM Uniface Deployment Utility
PATHSCRAMB *PGM Uniface Pathscrambler
IRTL *SRVPGM Uniface Compiler library
UADC10 *SRVPGM Uniface UDT library
UCALL *SRVPGM Uniface Bootstrap
UDB240 *SRVPGM Uniface DB2(4.0) connector
UENC *SRVPGM Uniface Encoding library
UHP *SRVPGM Uniface Codepage library
UIBM *SRVPGM Uniface Codepage library
UIMG *SRVPGM Uniface Image library
UKAN *SRVPGM Uniface Japanese codepages
ULIB *SRVPGM Uniface Base runtime library
UMWPSV10 *SRVPGM Uniface Middleware connector
UPACK *SRVPGM Uniface User-defined Y and Z packing codes
UROUT *SRVPGM Uniface Router runtime library
URTL *SRVPGM Uniface Runtime library
USEQ10 *SRVPGM Uniface SEQ(1.0) connector
USERV *SRVPGM Uniface Server runtime library
UTCP10 *SRVPGM Uniface TCP(1.0) connector
ULAT *SRVPGM Uniface Latin Codepages
UWS *SRVPGM Uniface Web Services Call-in
WSCISAMPLE *SRVPGM Uniface Web Services Call-in API sample
XERCES210 *SRVPGM XERCES XML Parser version 2.1.0
YRTL *SRVPGM Uniface Runtime ProcScript library
ZSECDRV *SRVPGM Uniface Security driver
ASN *FILE Uniface assignment files
INI *FILE Uniface initialization files
QPRINT *FILE Uniface Printer file
STARTUP *FILE CL Source file for the STARTUP program
UAR *FILE Uniface Archives
1 These objects are present only if you elected to create a subsystem during installation.