Modeled Field Syntax

A Modeled Field Syntax is a Development Object that defines some validation rules for data entry in the Field, such as the allowed characters, and field display and control attributes, such dimming and auto-jump.

For example, a Modeled Field Syntax can define a fixed format for dates, telephone numbers, credit card numbers, or postal codes.

Fields that reference the Modeled Field Syntax, inherit the complete field syntax definition. If the Modeled Field Syntax changes, the change is applied to the fields when they are recompiled.

Modeled Field Syntax objects are used during development. They are linked into the component (resolved) during compilation.




Object type code:


Main Development Object?


Part of:




Development Object


Compilation Output:

URI format:



Modeled Field Syntax specializes Development Object in the following ways:

  • It specifies a value for a Field Syntax property. This is a property of fields that defines some of the validation rules for data entry, as well as some field display and control attributes. Other validation rules are determined by the data type, ValRep list, and validation triggers.

  • It has a Modeled Field Syntax Library called LIB as parent object

  • It contains no child development objects or code containers

  • It has no compiled or generated output.

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