
Form instance property of a popup form that determines whether it is automatically repositioned if the specified position is outside the screen boundaries. This property can be set in ProcScript using newinstance and is only applicable for popup forms.

For example: newinstance"P_FORM", "Popup1", "WindowType=popup;Reposition=true"

Value Description
True Popup window is repositioned if the specified position is outside the screen boundaries.
False Popup window is not repositioned.


Dynamic? No
Supported in Grid? No
Dependencies: Applicable only if windowtype=popup


If the anchor of a popup window is too close to the boundaries of the screen for the popup window to be displayed as configured, the position of the popup window is mirrored so that it can still be displayed. You can prevent this from happening by setting Reposition to False.

This can be useful if the size of the popup window is smaller than the field to which it is attached.

Note:  In other circumstances, it should be used with care because it can make the popup window inaccessible.

Applies To

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