Use Extended Triggers

Determines whether widget triggers (also known as extended triggers) can be fired by the widget. The default value depends on the widget. True or False

"ExtendedTriggers=True | False"

Value Description
True The widget can execute extended triggers
False The widget cannot execute extended triggers


Dynamic? Depends on widget
Supported in Grid? No
Dependencies: None
Applies to: EditBox
uhtml (HTML Widget)
uOcxContainer (OcxContainer)


Calls to extended triggers are asynchronous, so you can not have OUT parameters or return values.

OCX Container

For the OCX Container widget, this is a static property. It cannot be set in ProcScript. The available widget triggers depend on the OCX Control that is loaded in the container. For more information, see Interactive Widget Triggers for OCX Controls .

HTML Widget

For the HTML Widget, this property is dynamic; by default it is true. Unlike other widgets, the HTML widget has no pre-defined widget triggers; you are entirely free to define your own triggers.

These widget triggers can be called by JavaScript in the HTML widget, as long as the Enable JavaScript widget property is true. In this case, a JavaScript object named unifaceTriggers is created and bound to window object.

Note:  Calls to widget triggers are asynchronous, so you cannot define extended triggers with OUT or INOUT parameters, or return values.

Calling Extended Trigger of HTML Widget

For example, you can call the extended trigger func1 with two parameters param1 and param2, as follows:

<script language="javascript">
window.unifaceTriggers('func1,'param1', 'param2');

Using in ProcScript

For the HTML widget, you can use $properties or $fieldproperties to set or get the ExtendedTriggers property and its value. For more information, see $properties and $fieldproperties.

$fieldproperties(FLD) = "ExtendedTriggers=False"

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