Columns (columns)

DSP widget property that determines the number of columns used to display the options in the radio group. Default is 1.

Example: "columns=Number"


If you specify too few rows or columns to accommodate the number of values and representations defined, and there is sufficient space, Uniface calculates the number of rows and columns needed to fit everything in.

In forms, if there is insufficient space, Uniface draws the buttons overlapping one another. In dynamic server pages, it claims as much space as needed.

Columns Rows Appearance
Empty or 0 Empty or 0 One column is used.
Empty or 0 >0 Number of Rows is used.
>0 Empty or 0 Number of Columns is used.
>0 >0 Number of Columns is used.

Setting in ProcScript

$fieldproperties(FLD) = "columns=2"

Applies to