Component Type

Specifies the type of Uniface Component.

Value Type Description
0 Form (FRM) Interactive component for displaying and updating data in a desktop environment.
1 Service (SVC) Business logic component that can be invoked locally or remotely.
2 Report (RPT) Static component that defines the layout for presenting data in a printed output.
3 Entity Service (ESV) Service that centralizes simple business rules for single data entities.
4 Session Service (SSV) Service that centralizes complex business rules affecting multiple data entities. It can be used to manage task-specific behavior, complex business behavior, transactions, and referential integrity.
6 Static Server Page (USP) Interactive component for displaying and updating data. The whole page is updated each time it is refreshed so it is more suitable to static data.
7 Dynamic Server Page (DSP) Interactive component for incrementally and dynamically displaying and updating data in a web or mobile environment. Allows only selected data to be updated and supports client-side logic.


For more information, see Components .

Applies To