
Use this property to provide comments or instructions for the selected development object. You can use the toolbar and standard Windows keyboard shortcuts to format the text, copy and paste, and undo and redo edits.

Technical Name: UCOMMENT
Expected Value: String. Variable length. Supports Unicode.
Default Value: None


You can provide any information that may be useful to know for maintenance or use, such as design decisions, changes, and other significant information to serve as application documentation.

How to

  • To view or enter data in the Documentation property, click the property in the Properties Inspector.
  • To edit and format the data, you can choose the font, size and text color options in the toolbar, and use the following keyboard shortcuts:
    Action Press
    Make letters bold. Ctrl+B
    Make letters italic. Ctrl+I
    Make letters underline.Ctrl+U
    Cut the selected text or object. Ctrl+X
    Copy the selected text or object. Ctrl+C
    Paste text or an object. Ctrl+V
    Undo the last action.Ctrl+Z
    Redo the last action.Ctrl+Y
    Find textF8
    Find nextShift+F8

Applies To

  • All development objects, except global objects and modeled properties, which use the Comments property for the same purpose. For more information, see Comments.