Color Inheritance

It is possible to explicitly define background and foreground colors for most objects. If you do not explicitly define a color, the actual color used depends on the type of object, and on the Inherit Colors and Transparency properties (where applicable).

When the Inherit Colors (InheritColor) property is available and set to True, the object inherits its colors from its parent. This is also the default behavior for entities and area frames, TabEx widgets, and contained forms.

The Transparency property, which is available on some widgets, also affects the color that the user sees at runtime.

Color-Related Properties for Widgets
Object BackColor property? ForeColor property? InheritColors property? Default Color Inheritance Transparency property?
Check Box Yes Yes Yes Windows Yes
Color Box Yes Yes No Windows No
Color List Yes Yes No Windows No
Combo Box Yes Yes No Windows No
Command Button Yes Yes No Windows Yes
Drag-and-Drop Yes Yes No Windows No
Drop-Down List Yes Yes No Windows No
Edit Box Yes Yes Yes Windows Yes
Form Container No No No Parent No
HTML Widget No No No Windows No
Hyperlink Yes Yes No Windows Yes
List Box Yes Yes No Windows No
Map Yes Yes No Windows No
Meter Yes Yes No Windows No
Month Calendar Yes Yes No Windows No
OCX Container Yes No No Windows No
OLE Container Yes No No Windows No
Output Box Yes Yes No Windows No
Picture Yes Yes No Windows Yes
Progress Bar Yes Yes No Windows No
Radio Group Yes Yes Yes Windows No
Spin Button Yes Yes No Windows No
Tab No No No Windows No
TabEx Yes Yes No Parent No
Tree Yes Yes No Windows No
Grid No No No Parent No
Color-Related Properties for Other Objects
Object BackColor property? ForeColor property? InheritColors property? Default Color Inheritance Transparency property?
Label Index color 1 Index color 1 Yes 2 Windows Yes 3
Entity Yes Yes No 4 Parent No 4
Area Frame Index color 1 Index color 1 No 4 Parent No 4
Form Yes Yes No Windows No
Form in Form Container Yes Yes No 5 Parent No
Form in Tab Yes Yes No Windows 6 No
Form in TabEx Yes Yes No 5 Parent No
Menu Yes Yes No Windows No
  1. The index color is specified using the Color option in the popup menu for this object.
  2. This property can only be specified in the .ini file.
  3. This property can only be specified in the .ini file and using the Transparency option in the popup menu for this object.
  4. The InheritColors and Transparency properties are not available, but the behavior is equivalent to both properties being True.
  5. The InheritColors property is not available, but the behavior is equivalent to InheritColors=True
  6. For compatibility reasons, the area for the contained form is always white. If you want more options, consider using the TabEx widget.

Search Order for Colors

When color inheritance is applied, Uniface uses the first color definition it encounters in the following search order:

  1. Widget or label itself
  2. Each entity or area frame, starting from the innermost to the outermost.
  3. Form
    • If the Form is a Contained Form in a FormContainer or TabEx widget, the search continues to the parent widget, and follows the rest of the search order until the outermost form.
    • If the Form is a Contained Form in a Tab widget, the search stops. (By default, the Tab widget has a white background, so the Contained Form inherits this.)
  4. The default color as defined by Windows.

Note the following:

  • If the Color property is set to an index color, it is treated as if the BackColor and ForeColor properties were set.

    Caution: If both an index color and BackColor or ForeColor properties are set on the same object, the results are unpredictable.

  • If an object has overlapping parents, for example, when a widget is partially inside an area frame, the parent is the object that contains the widget's top-left corner.
  • If an Edit Box has the EntColor property set to True, it takes precedence over Inherit Colors.

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