Deployment Process

Every Uniface application is unique, so the deployment process details may vary, but the major steps are common to all deployment models, from standalone application on Windows to a combined client-server and web application running on an international network.

When deploying a Uniface application for the first time:

  1. Make a deployment plan based on your application, your deployment model, and your infrastructure.

    Tip: Check the Platform Availability Matrix to ensure that Uniface supports the platforms and databases your application requires.

    Normally, the deployment environment is fixed before the application is implemented, matching the design pattern of the application. For example:

    • For a client/server application with three-tier architecture, there might be a large group of client Windows machines, several Linux server machines, and TCP or TLS connections between these machines.
    • For a web application, only server machines are needed, but you need to consider mirrors for scalability.

    Consider where you want to install Uniface executables, server, and connectors. Also consider where various runtime objects should be deployed, including Uniface runtime. Also consider the Application Distribution Options

  2. Obtain the required Uniface licenses, and install and configure Uniface middleware (Uniface Router, Uniface Server, database and network connectors, and so on) on the appropriate machines. For more information, see Support for Distributed Applications, and Uniface License Management.
  3. Deploy the application's runtime objects to the required locations. For more information, see Deploy Runtime Objects and Create Uniface Archive Files. For web applications, see Deploying Web Application Resources
  4. If required, stop any running Uniface Router, Uniface Servers, and clients.

    Note:  When updating a deployed application, this may not be necessary. For more information, see Update a Deployed Application.

  5. Copy the UAR files to the target locations in the runtime environment.

    Note: It is possible to copy a directory containing the required objects, as long as it conforms to the Standardized Directory Structure. However, the use of UARs makes it easier to deploy and if necessary, revert updates.

  6. Edit the application assignment file. Add a [RESOURCES] section to specify the locations of the UAR files or folders.

    For example:

  7. Further customize the client and server environments using configuration files.

    If the application integrates non-Uniface components or requires other files, additional configuration and deployment may be required.

  8. Start or restart the runtime environment, if it was stopped.
  9. Configure the [RESOURCES] section of the application assignment files so that Uniface knows which where to find the runtime objects it needs, and the order in which they should be loaded.

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