Set the video attributes for a list box in character mode.

$LIST_BOX {=} {Selected},{Cleared}


Assignment file: Any application assignment file
Section: [SETTINGS]
Default value: ,INV


Each argument specifies one or more video attribute codes. For more information, see Video Attributes . To define more than one video attribute for each argument, separate them with commas and enclose them in parentheses.


$LIST_BOX is effective only when $GUI=$CHR.

$LIST_BOX determines the video attributes for the items in a list box in character mode. The video attributes defined by Selected are applied to the selected item, while the remaining items appear as defined by Cleared.

The default setting for a list box in character mode is:



To make the selected item in a list box appear with blinking purple letters on a white background (40 + 7), while unselected items appear as white letters on a purple background (56 + 5), use the following assignment:

$LIST_BOX = (BLI,COL=47), COL=61

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