Warning: No SQL could be generated for <Entity.Model>, because the ASN file redirects the entity or the path <$Path> to TCP, and the remote installation failed to connect to the requested database driver.

The DBMS connector, as specified by a database path, is unknown on the server, the DBMS client binaries are not available, or the DBMS connector is redirected to a different DBMS connector.


When generating SQL scripts on a Uniface Server:

  • The DBMS connector for the target database must be available in the \bin directory of the Uniface server installation.
  • The DBMS client binaries must be available on the PATH (specified by the PATH environment variable).
  • If a DBMS connector path is defined, it must point to a matching database target. For example, $ORA must point to ORA.
  • Entities cannot be redirected to a different DBMS. For example, when generating SQL scripts for Oracle, no scripts are generated for entities that are redirected to Sybase.

For example, assume you are generating SQL scripts for a Microsoft SQL Server, which is located on a remote host. The local assignment file redirects the $MSS path to TCP:

;$database path points to a remote server
$MSS = TCP:ServerHost+13001

The MSS connector and the Microsoft SQL client binaries must be available on ServerHost, and the Uniface Server assignment file must declare and configure the MSS connector:

;settings used for target application database:
MSS     U4.1
USYS$MSS_PARAMS identifiers = quoted, procedures=on 

$MSS = MSS:Sales:|dbuser|dbpassword

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