
Returns a reference to the uniface.Instance object that represents a given DSP instance name on the browser.


Example: var vInstance = uniface.getInstance("MUSICLIST");


InstanceName—name of a component instance; optional.

Return Value

If InstanceName specified, this function returns a reference to the named uniface.Instance object, or null if there is no component instance with the given name.

If InstanceName is not specified, a reference to the main (outermost) instance of the DSP is returned.


You can use the function uniface.getInstanceNames to get a list of available component instances, and then use getInstance to obtain a specific uniface.Instance object.

var vInstanceNames = uniface.getInstanceNames();
for (var i = 0; i < instNameArray.length; i++) {
    var vInstance = uniface.getInstance(instNameArray[i]);

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