urm copy

Copy files from a source to a target directory or zip file.

urm {Switches} copySource{+ Source}{Destination} {Options}

Switches and Parameters

See urm





Perform operations silently, without displaying messages.


Do not process subdirectories

-after=yyyymmdd {hhnnss} | today

-before=yyyymmdd {hhnnss} | today

Specify date of files

The following separators are allowed: - (hyphen), / (slash), and : (colon).

Note:  The date format differs from the date format in the /aft and /bef switches.


Specify the input characters set


Specify the XML characters set


Specify the output characters set

Converting Character Sets

You can use the copy command to convert the character set of one file to another. For example, the following command converts the file MyFile.txt from the Western European character set to the Eastern European character set:

urm copy MyFile.txt -inputCharset=cp1252 -outputCharset=cp1250

Copying Objects

The following command copies a ReadMe file to MyArchive.uar:

urm copy readme.txt MyArchive.uar:/myarchive.rme

The following command copies all subdirectories and objects in the MyObjects directory to the MyArchive.uar file.

urm copy MyObjects/*/* MyArchive.uar:/*/*

The following command copies all objects in the MyArchive.uar to the MyObjects directory.

urm copy MyArchive.uar:/*/* MyObjects/*/*   

The following command is useful for selecting only updates since 28 August 2013:

urm copy *.* update\*.* -after=20130828