
As of D3 7.1.0, when abslock is on, which means loading all the ABS into memory and keeping them there, the virtual ABS are now loaded into a read-only shared memory segment.

To disable this feature for the entire virtual machine, use the absprotect off statement in your configuration (pick0) file. To disable this feature for a single line, start the line with the -b option.

Warning: During boot, the ABS are written into the shared memory segment while it is not set to read only. After boot, line 0 remains unprotected until the process ends. To protect line 0 as well, log on to the dm account and type exit. Then restart line 0, if desired.
To load ABS patches, this feature must be disabled, at least on the line that is loading the patches.
  1. Enter d3 -b from AIX.
  2. Log on.
  3. Load the ABS patches.