Restarting the virtual machine

Complete these instructions to restart the virtual machine.


  1. To shut down the D3 system, enter:

    You will see the following:

    Shutting down  "pick0:AIX
    Do you wish to continue (Y/N/0)?_
  2. Enter y.

    Wait to see the Flush complete message. You might see the message before or after the virtual machine halted message.

    Flushing memory, boot when disk is quiescent...
    Disconnected from Virtual Machine 'pick0:AIX'
    Flush complete.  Virtual machine pick0:AIX halted.

    The D3 virtual machine has been halted.

  3. Restart the D3 virtual machine.


    d3 -0

    You will see the following prompt:

    Options: F)ile only, A)BS only, X) eXecute. Q)uit = _
  4. Type x.