Performing the pre-upgrade procedure

Complete these instructions to perform the pre-upgrade procedure.


This section must be performed using the /tmp directory as specified. Substituting the /tmp directory with another in this section will result in failure to upgrade with data files in place.


  1. Log in to UNIX as root.
  2. Start D3 or enter D3 using the shell command:
    d3 -0 -l

    where the last option (-l) is a lowercase L, not the number 1 (one). The -l option is required if any non-root user is indicated in the pick0 configuration file.

  3. Confirm that there is enough overflow space available to perform the upgrade. Enter:

    Results similar to the following are returned.

    overflow: 189721 reserve: 2048 blocks: 173 b-tree levels: 12 leaves: 11

    If the overflow amount is less than 5000, there is not enough space available to run the upgrade process with data files in place. In this case, go to Upgrading with a file-save tape.

  4. Ensure that all D3 users are logged off.
  5. Set maxusers to single user. Enter:
    maxusers (s
  6. From the dm account, enter: