Minimum recommendations and requirements

Installing and using D3 requires a working knowledge of the underlying UNIX operating system on which D3 will be installed.

Use the information located in the D3 System Administration Guide to assist in determining the best configuration. The minimum hardware and software recommendations and requirements for installing D3 are listed as follows.

Operating system requirements

For a list of currently supported distributions, go to:

Use AIX version 6.1 or 7.1 only, and all updates and/or patches, if any are required. 

The AIX software bundle App-Dev must be installed to run D3, even if FlashBASIC will not be used. The App-Dev contains the C development set, and is on the AIX installation tape or CD-ROM. (The math library package bos.adt within the bos.appdev bundle must be installed.) To use the new encryption features, SSL connections from BASIC or host authentication, the OpenSSL 1.1.1 or 3.0 package must be installed. Use smit to install these requirements.

To determine if you have the correct operating system installed, at the UNIX prompt issue the command lslpp -l bos.rte. Depending on the current version of AIX installed, the resulting display might differ slightly:

 lslpp -l bos.rte
  Fileset     Level    State         Description
 Path: /usr/lib/objrepos
  bos.rte  COMMITTED  Base Operating System Runtime
 Path: /etc/objrepos
  bos.rte  COMMITTED  Base Operating System Runtime

Hardware requirements

The following hardware requirements are the minimum equipment required to run D3 AIX.


Minimum required memory is 64 MB. The maximum recognized memory is limited to the amount of RAM on the system minus a reasonable amount for AIX. As of this release, D3 AIX has been tested with 1.9 TB.

For more information, see the Using D3 Memory section of the D3 System Administration Guide.

Hard disk space

Warning: Not enough swap space on the system can lead to a UNIX system crash. However, too much swap space provides less disk space for other programs.
Hard Disk Space Categories AIX Minimum Recommendations Your Actual
File space 32 MB (8 physical partitions)
Application data space
Considerations for increasing disk space requirements for the D3 file system:
Customer data
D3 application files
Growth space
D3 error log (optional) 10 MB of additional space.
Swap space minimum 32 MB
Swap space maximum
Systems with up to and including 128 MB of physical, installed memory Estimate the swap size as two times the physical installed memory.
Systems with 129 MB up to 2 GB  of physical installed memory Estimate the swap size as equal to the physical installed memory.
Systems with 2 GB to 32 TB  of physical installed memory Configure a minimum of 2GB swap space or the amount recommended by IBM.

/usr file system space requirements

Prior to D3 release 7.0, the ABS and data set were loaded from diskettes or floppy disks on an as-needed basis. With D3 release 7.0 and above, the ABS and data set are loaded into the /usr/lib/pick directory. Therefore, the installation will complain if less than 37,000 free 512 byte blocks are available in the /usr file system. The option to increase the size of the /usr file system is given if this occurs. However, if there is not enough combined free and unallocated space in the /usr file system, the installation fails.

OpenSSL libraries

The OpenSSL 1.1.1 or 3.0 package is required if you intend to use the data encryption, SSL, or Host Authentication features. If OpenSSL is not already installed, you must re-run the D3_setup command after installing the libraries to create an explicit link to the libraries.

See Loading the D3 package for more information.