Compatibility settings

D3 allows a user (port), or the global environment, to be set to a particular Pick-compatible environment using the TCL set-compat command. Using this command allows functionality to be added to D3 that is specific to a particular Pick compatible environment.

set-compat command

The default value of the set-compat command is D3. Other Pick compatible environments currently supported are Sequoia and Ultimate. The syntax is:

set-compat { environment } {(g}

where environment is the Pick compatible environment to emulate and (g is used to globally set the compatibility setting.

Compatibility features for Sequoia

  • Null values always sort before numeric and alphanumeric values.
  • grand-total "{text}..." displays text without column width limits.
  • Any phantoms running under this setting will terminate with error, if stopped by an input statement.
  • The BASIC Ultimate flavored execute supports Sequoia ordering of parameters.

Compatibility features for Ultimate

  • Access date conversions are displayed in the upper case when the TCL case is set to sensitive.
  • Null values always sort before numeric and alphanumeric values.
  • Suppresses [202] not on file messages when selecting from an active list.
  • If a Proc calls a BASIC program which generates an error, the line number of the BASIC program will be placed in the Proc's secondary buffer, following the error number.
  • The print job kill process prints aborted on the printer, if the job is terminated with sp-kill.
  • The BASIC compiler allows spaces when using Ultimate flavored executes.
  • The restore processor recognizes Ultimate tape labels and Ultimate items greater than 32 KB in length.
  • Input stacked with the data statement is not lost after running a BASIC execute statement.