
Used before calling NewSession to set or override connection parameters.

Host address string used when establishing a connection to the host system.
Optional: Model type value used when setting the default number of rows and columns for the device to emulate:

2 - 24x80
3 - 32x80
4 - 43x80
5 - 27x132

Optional: Port number used when establishing a connection to the host system. This may be used instead of ModelTypeVal for VT and 6530 sessions.
0 on Success, or a non-zero error code. See Error codes for a complete listing of error code descriptions.
Example 1
Set bzhao = CreateObject("BZWhll.WhllObj")
bzhao.TCPSetParameters "host.address", 5, 23
SessName = bzhao.NewSession( 1, "default.zmd" )
bzhao.Connect SessName
bzhao.SendKey "logon user<Enter>"
Example 2
Set bzhao = CreateObject("BZWhll.WhllObj")
bzhao.TCPSetParameters "host.address", 23
SessName = bzhao.NewSession( "MySession.zvt")
bzhao.Connect SessName
bzhao.SendKey "logon user<Enter>"