File menu

The File menu is identical between all display types, expect for BlueZone VT, which contains unique logging and print setup options.

The common options between all displays emulators are:
Opens the Define New Connection window so you can create a new session. The session type is the same as the session you are currently working in.
Opens the Open Configuration window where you can browse for a saved configuration.
Saves the display settings.
Save As
Allows you to save the display settings as a different file name.
Open Session
Opens a new session. Sometimes referred to as cloning a session. If you are currently working in S1, an S2 session opens using the exact same settings as the original session.
Close All Sessions
Closes all of the open sessions.
Exits the current session.

The following topics describe the other options from the File menu and the unique BlueZone VT settings in greater detail.