Running transfer lists

After you create a transfer list, you can run it through one of three windows:
  • Host File Transfer window

  • Host File Transfer - Send window

  • Host File Transfer - Receive window

  1. From a Mainframe display, select one of the following menu options:
    • TransferConfigure. Opens the Transfer Setup window. Configure the setup and click OK. The Host File Transfer window opens.
    • TransferSend. Opens the configured Host File Transfer - Send window.
    • TransferReceive. Opens the configured Host File Transfer - Receive window.
    If the transfer list was saved with the display session, it is already displayed in the Transfer List pane.
  2. If the transfer list was not saved with the display session or you want to open a different transfer list, click ListOpen or click the Open icon in the Transfer List toolbar.
  3. Select the desired transfer list (.mdl) and click Open.
    The transfer list displays in the Transfer List pane.
    Note: Before you run the transfer list, note that if the Transfer Direction is set to None, the entry transfer is dependent on the window:
    • From the Host File Transfer window, the entry will be bypassed.

    • From the Host File Transfer - Send window, the entry will be sent to the host.

    • From the Host File Transfer - Receive window, the entry will be received from the host.

  4. Click ListRun or click the Run icon in the Transfer List toolbar.
    The transfer entries are either sent to the host, received from the host, or bypassed.