Launching sessions

  1. Click Start All Programs BlueZone BlueZone TCP/IP Print Server.
    The first time you launch TCP/IP Print Server, the Print Setup for Queue dialog opens:
    Figure 1. Print Setup for Queue dialog
  2. You must type a Queue Name before you can start a BlueZone TCP/IP Print Server session.
  3. Also, take a moment to select a different printer if necessary, and decide if you always want to use your Windows default printer when the BlueZone TCP/IP Print Server application starts.
    Note: Once BlueZone TCP/IP Print Server is configured, launching the BlueZone TCP/IP Print Server application causes the application to automatically launch in the Windows System Tray without appearing on the Windows desktop.
  4. Type a Queue Name and click OK.
    The Print Setup for Queue dialog closes. Before you start the BlueZone TCP/IP Print Server, you should configure a session.