Configuring the data format options

You can specify the data format options of the transferred files.

  1. Click TransferTransfer Setup.
  2. Click the Transfer tab.
  3. Click Fields.
  4. Select the data options that match the data in your file.
    1. In the Date Format menu, select the appropriate option:
      • [DMY] Day/Month/Year

      • [EUR] European

      • [ISO] International Standards Organization

      • [JIS] JIS

      • [JUL] Julian

      • [MDY] Month/Day/Year

      • [USA] USA

      • [YMD] Year/Month/Day

    2. In the Date Separator menu, select the appropriate option:
      Note: Not all of the following separators are available for all of the date formats.
      • [] Blank

      • [,] Comma

      • [.] Period

      • [/] Slash

      • [-] Dash

    3. In the Time format menu, select the appropriate option:
      • [EUR] European

      • [HMS] Hours/Minutes/Seconds

      • [ISO] International Standards Organization

      • [JIS] JIS

      • [USA] USA

    4. In the Time Separator menu, select the appropriate option:
      Note: Not all of the following separators are available for all of the time formats.
      • [] Blank

      • [,] Comma

      • [.] Period

      • [:] Colon

    5. In the Decimal Separator menu, select the appropriate option:
      • [,] Comma

      • [.] Period

  5. Click OK to save and close the Data Options window.
  6. Click OK to save and close the Transfer Setup window.