Configuring tabs

  1. In the BlueZone Tab toolbar, click the Settings icon.
    By default, the BlueZone Tab toolbar is located in the bottom right corner of the window.
  2. On the Tabs tab, complete the following fields:
    Option Description
    Dock Position Select the position of the tabs and toolbar.
    Multi-Line Enables the toolbar to span multiple lines. Only available for Top and Bottom positions.
    Fixed-Width Tabs All tabs are the width that is specified in the field. The value is in pixels. Right and Left positions always use fixed width tabs.
    Display Tabs as Buttons The tabs are displays as buttons and are not connected to the session background.
    Stretch Tabs to Align Right The tabs are stretched to align with the right of the toolbar.
    Center Tab Labels The tab label is centered.
    Show Program Icons The corresponding program icon is displayed in the tab.
    Show Tab Numbers The tabs numbers are displayed before the tab name.
    Highlight Active Tab The active tab is highlighted. If you have custom color for the tab, the highlight color is used instead.
    Enable ToolTips When you hover over the tabs, the path to and name of the profile is displayed.
    Tab Border Size Type the size of the tab border in pixels.
    Tile View Border Size Type the size of the tab border in pixels when using the tile view.
    Flat Borders The border of the tab and background is flat.
    Tile View on Startup When the BlueZone Tab file is opened, the tabs are in tile view.
  3. Click OK.