Configuring BlueZone for JAWS

JAWS is a screen reading software designed to assist visually impaired users. For JAWS to work well with BlueZone, some display settings must be modified.

JAWS and BlueZone can be further enhanced through JAWS scripting. Several BlueZone customers have created advanced scripts for their visually impaired users to optimize the screen and workflow for them. Most of the script functions are host application specific and must be developed for individual host screens. Refer to the JAWS scripting manual for more information.
  1. Click OptionsDisplay from the BlueZone menu bar.
  2. In the Font tab, set the following options:
    1. Select a plain, monospaced font such as Lucida Console or Courier New.
    2. Set the font size between 5 and 12.
      JAWS tracks certain font sizes better than others. Excellent results have been achieved with a 12 point font.
  3. In the Cursor tab, set the following options:
    1. Slide the Size scale all the way to the left. This changes the cursor to an underline.
    2. Slide the Blink Rate all the way to the right to make the blink rate as fast as possible.
  4. In the Advanced tab, select the Paint Nulls as Spaces? check box.
    This option ensures that the entire terminal area is filled with readable values.
  5. Click OK to save and close the window.
  6. Ensure that the BlueZone screen is maximized when using the session with JAWS.


Test the basic functionality using the commands described below. If any of these fail, you might need to adjust your font size or cursor blink rate.

  • As you move the cursor from line to line with the arrow keys, JAWS should read each line.

  • As you move along a line from word to word (Insert+Right Arrow or Insert+Left Arrow), JAWS should read each word.

  • Insert+NumPadPlus should move the JAWS cursor to the current BlueZone cursor position. JAWS will indicate the move.

  • Insert+NumPadMinus should move the BlueZone cursor to the JAWS cursor position. JAWS will indicate the move.