Watermark tab

BlueZone has the ability to display a bitmap image (sometimes referred to as a watermark) in the display background. This feature can give BlueZone a custom look by displaying your company's logo in the display background. It's best to use an image that does not interfere with the display text. A very subtle image, or watermark works best.

  • Display Watermark Picture as Background: When enabled, BlueZone displays a bitmap image in the background of the emulation display screen.
  • Image File Name: Click Browse to locate the bit-mapped file that you want to use. For example, C:\Windows\clouds.bmp.
  • Position: If the Center box is not selected, you can use the Row and Column positioning for the image. Selecting the Center box disables the Row and Column positioning:
    • Row: Enter the row number where you want the image to start.
    • Column: Enter the column number where you want the image to start.
    • Center: When this box is checked, BlueZone places the bitmap image in the center of the display and the Row and Column selection boxes are disabled.
    Tip: Use the Position option when you want to display a small logo in a part of the display screen that is not normally used.
  • Tile: When this option is selected, BlueZone tiles the bitmap image over the entire display area.
  • Stretch: When this option is selected, BlueZone stretches the image to fit the display area.