View properties

The View Properties property sheet is used to set the view states of the toolbar, Print Queue, Print Log and status bar view objects. From the BlueZone menu bar, click View Properties. The View Properties property sheet displays the Options and Watermark tabs.

Options tab

View Settings
Select a view object for customization:
  • ToolBar: This check box denotes whether or not the toolbar is displayed.
  • Print Log: This check box denotes whether or not the print log is displayed.
  • StatusBar: This check box denotes whether or not the status bar is displayed.
Desktop Colors
Select a view object for changing the color: toolbar, profiles foreground, profiles background, queue foreground, queue background, log foreground, log background, or status bar.
  • Color Squares: To change the background color of the selected view object press the left mouse button while holding the mouse pointer over the color square on the left containing the desired color.
  • Customize: Click to select a color not available in the Color Squares; the Common Color dialog will display.

Watermark tab

  • Profiles List: When selected, the options below pertain to this selection.
  • Print Queue: When selected, the options below pertain to this selection.
  • Print Log: When selected, the options below pertain to this selection.
    • Display Watermark Picture in Background: If checked, BlueZone displays:
      • Tile Image: If checked, the image is tiled over the entire background.
      • Opaque List Items: If checked, the list items are no longer transparent.
      • Browse: Click to browse to the image file that you want to display.