Trace tab

These parameters specify the interfaces to be traced and the file name to which the trace file is written. The trace files are written in ASCII text format and can be viewed with Notepad or WordPad.

For more information, see Capturing BlueZone traces.

Trace Options
  • Auto-Start Trace: Select to start the trace automatically when you connect to the host.
  • Trace File: Specifies the file name to which the trace file is written.
    • Browse: Click to display a dialog used to select the directory and file name. BlueZone provides a Traces directory in the BlueZone installation directory.
    This must be a valid path or the trace feature will not work.
  • Trace Viewer: Specifies the program that is used to read the trace file after it has been captured and written.
    • Browse: Click to display a dialog used to select the directory and file name.
  • Start Trace: Manually starts the trace.
  • Stop Trace: Stops the trace.
  • View Trace: Used to view the trace. BlueZone automatically uses the Trace Viewer program specified above.