View properties

The View Properties window is used to configure the toolbar, power pads, status bar, and the color scheme.

Note: Starting with BlueZone version 4.0, the power keys feature is not enabled by default. Power keys have been replaced by power pads.

From the BlueZone menu bar, click View Properties. The View Properties window contains the following tabs:

All emulators.
ToolBars tab
BlueZone VT
BlueZone 6530
Power Pads tab
All emulators
Note: Support for Power Keys can be enabled by a BlueZone Administrator. If you want to use the Power Keys feature, contact your BlueZone Administrator or consult the BlueZone Desktop Administrator's Guide to enable the Power Keys feature.
Power Keys tab
BlueZone VT
BlueZone 6530
StatusBar tab
IBM 5250 iSeries
BlueZone VT
BlueZone 6530
Color Scheme tab
All emulators