What’s new in this release

This section summarizes the significant improvements or enhancements for BlueZone Display and Printer Version 7.1. Minor modifications to the text are not listed.

BZDP-0701-UG-11 August 2020
  • All Displays:
    • Added support for 19-digit PAN numbers when masking.
  • Mainframe and iSeries Display:
    • Provided the ability to set tab stops.
    • Added support to delete selected text when pressing Del key.
    • A single click on the BlueZone window now activates and moves the cursor.
    • Added support to skip Protected field rows when pasting with columns aligned to the screen.
    • Added support to ignore the screen size error when Ignore X Prog Errors is checked.
    • Enhanced the IND$FILE Refresh to Auto-<Enter> after the DSLIST command.
  • Mainframe Printer and iSeries Printer:
    • Expanded the Base Output Filename length limit in the Print to File tab.
  • VT Display:
    • Added support to create 128 connections.
    • Added support for long lines during Copy to Clipboard when the Selection Type is set to Line mode.
    • Added a VT scrolling enhancement for large (36 or higher) font sizes.
  • BlueZone Tab:
    • Added support to reorder the tabs using drag-and-drop.
  • TCP/IP printer:
    • Increased the listening IP address number to 32.