Printer tab - Printer session only

TN5250E Printer Properties
These fields are used when Auto-Creating printer devices on the iSeries. The required fields to Auto-Create a device are noted in the following text:
  • *MSGQ Name: Specifies the host *MSGQ name. (QSYSOPR is the default)
  • *MSGQ Library: Specifies the host *MSGQ library. (*LIBL is the default)
  • Font: Specifies the host font value. (011 is the default)
  • Host Print Transform: If checked, Host Print Transform is enabled.
    Important: This field can override the setting on the host system.
    Note: The following options are only active when the Host Print Transform box is checked.
  • Mfg. Type Model: Specifies the printer manufacturer, type and model for host print transform.
  • Custom Name: Specifies the Custom Name. (QWPDEFAULT is the default)
  • Custom Library: Specifies the Custom Library. (*LIBL is the default)
Select the desired formfeed setting:
  • Default: If selected, specifies the default formfeed setting must be used.
  • Continuous: If selected, specifies the continuous forms setting must be used.
  • Cut: If selected, specifies the cut forms setting must be used.
  • Autocut: If selected, specifies the autocut forms setting must be used.
    Note: The Formfeed field is not a required value for Auto-Creation. It is used to specify the host formfeed value.
Select the desired Paper Sources from the three drop-down lists:
  • Source 1: Select the desired paper tray from the drop-down box.
  • Source 2: Select the desired paper tray from the drop-down box.
  • Source 3: Select the desired paper tray from the drop-down box.