File properties

The File Properties property sheet controls the BlueZone TCP/IP Print Server's operating parameters. From the menu bar, click File Properties. The File Properties property sheet displays the Program and Options tabs.

Program tab

Enables customization of the Session Description. The text displays left justified on the caption bar of the session main window.
  • Session Description: A unique session description can be entered that will display left justified on the session window’s caption bar.
  • Command Line Switches: Displays any command line parameters used when launching the session.
  • Program Group: Displays the name of the program group where this program is installed.
  • Installation Directory: Displays the installation directory where this program is installed.
  • Working Directory: Displays this programs working directory.
  • Global Configuration Lock: If enabled, the global configuration lock option is active.
  • Session Configuration Lock: If enabled, the session configuration lock option is active.

Options tab

  • Ask to save configuration settings on exit: If enabled then the user is prompted whether or not to save the configuration settings on program shutdown.
  • Always save configuration settings on exit: If enabled then the configuration settings are always saved on program shutdown.
  • Do not save configuration settings on exit: If enabled then the configuration settings are not saved on program shutdown.
Open / Save As
  • File Description: This edit box configures the text that displays in the Common File dialog, describing the type of files to list.
  • Default Extension: Limits the initial list for the Common File dialog. The extension is limited to three characters.