Using Entry Assist mode

You can use Entry Assist mode to input data more efficiently. In this mode, you can set tab stops in mainframe and iSeries sessions and quickly move the cursor from one tab stop to another.

To enter Entry Assist mode, press CTRL+SHIFT+E. This is also called Entry Assist apply mode. When you are in this mode, EA appears in the OIA at the bottom of the terminal window.
Note: If the Show OIA check box is unchecked, EA does not appear.

Next, you can press CTRL+SHIFT+F to enter Entry Assist's modify mode. While in modify mode, no keystrokes except T, t, C, c, CTRL+SHIFT+F, and the four arrow keys are available for use. In this mode a cursor guide is shown and can be moved by pressing an arrow key or with a left mouse-click.

Key commands in modify mode

  • Press CTRL+SHIFT+F to toggle modify mode on and off. When modify mode is off, it returns to Entry Assist apply mode.

  • Press T or t to set or unset tab stops in the current column.

  • Press C or c to clear all tab stops.

  • Press CTRL+SHIFT+E to turn off Entry Assist mode. This action restores normal tab and backtab operations.

In Entry Assist apply mode, you can perform the same actions as when Entry Assist mode is off except pressing Tab or Backtab to move the cursor forward or backward to the next tab stop instead of from one unprotected field to another. The starting position of each unprotected field is always a tab stop.

Note: If CTRL+SHIFT+E or CTRL+SHIFT+F is added in keyboard mapping, this mapping takes priority and Entry Assist mode does not take effect when these keys are pressed. The tab and backtab actions previously mentioned are IBM Mainframe 3270 Display or iSeries 5250 Display functions. You can map any keystrokes in the keyboard mapping setting to them. Generally, the TAB key is used for TAB, and SHIFT+TAB is used for BACKTAB.