Editing profiles manually

You can create and edit the BlueZone Tab profiles in a text editor.

If the Hide User Elements check box on the Options tab is selected, you must use a text editor to make changes to the profile.

  1. Navigate to the location of the .bzt file. The default location is in the working directory at C:\Users\username\Documents\BlueZone\Config.
  2. Open the .bzt file in a text editor.
  3. In the [Settings] section, edit the following options:
    Option Values Option in the Settings window

    0 – Do not save on exit

    1 – Prompt to save on exit

    2 – Always save on exit

    Save on Shutdown options on the Options tab

    0 – The user elements are displayed

    1 – The user elements are not displayed

    Hide User Elements check box on the Options tab





    Dock Position menu on the Tabs tab

    0 – The toolbar cannot span multiple lines

    1 – The toolbar can span multiple lines

    Multi-Line check box on the Tabs tab

    0 – The tabs can be unique widths

    1 – All tabs are the same widths

    Fixed-Width Tabs check box on the Tabs tab

    Numeric value, in pixels, of the width of fixed tabs

    Fixed-Width Tabs check box on the Tabs tab

    0 – Tabs are not displayed as buttons

    1 – Tabs are displayed as buttons

    Display Tabs as Buttons check box on the Tabs tab

    0 – The tabs are not stretched

    1 – The tabs are stretched to align with the right of the toolbar

    Stretch Tabs to Align Right check box on the Tabs tab

    0 – The tab text is left aligned

    1 – The tab text is centered

    Center Tab Labels check box on the Tabs tab

    0 – The tabs do not contain the program icons

    1 – The tabs contain the program icons

    Show Program Icons check box on the Tabs tab

    0 – The tabs do not contain a number

    1 – The tabs contain a number

    Show Tab Numbers check box on the Tabs tab

    0 – The active tab is not highlighted

    1 – The active tab is highlighted

    Highlight Active Tab check box on the Tabs tab

    0 – ToolTips are not shown

    1 – ToolTips are shown

    Enable ToolTips check box on the Tabs tab

    Numeric value, in pixels, of the tab border

    Tab Border Size field on the Tabs tab

    Numeric value, in pixels, of the tab borders when in tile view

    Tile View Border Size field on the Tabs tab

    0 – The tab border is not flat

    1 – The tab border is flat

    Flat Borders check box on the Tabs tab

    0 – The sessions are not shown in tile view

    1 – The sessions are shown in tile view

    Tile View on Startup check box on the Tabs tab
  4. In the [Colors] section, edit the following options:
    Option Values Option in the Settings window

    0 – Tabs are all one color

    1 – Custom tab colors are used

    Use Custom Colors check box on the Colors tab

    Color in RBG format

    Foreground color of the Color # selection on the Colors tab

    Color in RBG format

    Background color of the Color # selection on the Colors tab

    Color in RBG format

    Foreground color of the Highlight color on the Colors tab

    Color in RBG format

    Background color of the Highlight color on the Colors tab

    Numeric pattern of the tab colors, for example, 123456789 or 123123

    Tab Color Pattern field on the Colors tab

    0 – Tabs are not shown with a gradient brush effect

    1 – Tabs are shown with a gradient brush effect

    Gradient Brush check box on the Colors tab
  5. In the [Window] section, edit the following options:
    Option Values Options in the Settings window

    0 – Minimize

    1 – Normal

    2 – Maximize


    0 – The profile name is not displayed on the title bar

    1 – The profile name is displayed on the title bar

    Profile Name (%1) check box on the Title Bar tab

    0 – BlueZone Tab is not displayed on the title bar

    1 – BlueZone Tab is displayed on the title bar

    Program Name (%2) check box on the Title Bar tab

    0 – The active session profile name is not displayed on the title bar

    1 – The active session profile name is displayed on the title bar

    Active Window Title (%3) check box on the Title Bar tab
    Separator= Any character or characters Separator field on the Title Bar tab

    0 – Custom title bar text is not used

    1 – Custom title bar text is used

    Display Custom Title Bar check box on the Title Bar tab

    Title bar text. Can contain the %1, %2, and %3 variables.

    Display Custom Title Bar field on the Title Bar tab

    0 – Tabs do not contain the program icons

    1 – Tabs contain the program icon

    Display Active Window Icon check box on the Title Bar tab

    X position of the BlueZone Tab window


    Y position of the BlueZone Tab window


    Width, in pixels, of the BlueZone Tab window


    Height, in pixels, of the BlueZone Tab window


    0 – The SysMenu options and buttons are not displayed on the caption bar. When SysMenu=0, you can only close BlueZone Tab by right-clicking the Taskbar button and selecting Close window, or by selecting End Process in the Task Manager.

    1 – The SysMenu options and buttons are displayed on the caption bar


    0 – The caption bar is not displayed (implies SysMenu=0). When Caption=0, you can only close BlueZone Tab by right-clicking the Taskbar button and selecting Close window, or by selecting End Process in the Task Manager.

    1 – The caption bar is displayed

  6. Edit the existing [Tab#] sections or add new [Tab#] sections:
    Options Values
    Profile= Path to and name of the BlueZone Display, Printer, or FTP profile, for example, Profile=C:\Users\username\Documents\BlueZone\Config\mainframe.zmd.
  7. Save and close file.