Dialog level configuration profiles

The following table contains a list of menu bar commands with their associated configuration profile file extensions. Each menu bar command opens a unique window from each display type.

Table 1: Dialog level configuration profiles
Toolbar command 3270 5250 VT 6530 UTS T27
Session Configure .MDS .ADS .VDS .6DS .UDS .TDS
Session Configure Properties .TN3 .TN5 - - UTSQPORT.INI T27QPORT.INI
Options Display .MDD .ADD .VDD .6DD .UDD .TDD
Options Keyboard .MDK .ADK .VDK .6DK .UDK .TDK
Transfer Configure .MDF * .VDF .6DF .UDF .TDF
View Properties ToolBars .MDB .ADB .VDB .6DB .UDB .TDB
View Properties PowerPads .MDP .ADP .VDP .6DP .UDP .TDP
View Properties Statusbar .MDR .ADR .VDR .6DR .UDR .TDR
FilePrint Setup - - .VDI .6DI - -

* Mainframe and iSeries File Transfer is supported in BlueZone Host File Transfer. To see the BlueZone Host File Transfer Configuration Profile Table, refer to Host file transfer configuration profile.