BlueZone Basic

BlueZone Basic is a Visual Basic for Applications VBA and VBScript compatible Basic Scripting Language which can be used to add functionality to the BlueZone family of terminal emulation clients or Web pages to automate complex tasks. Users can also create scripts for launching and manipulating other applications via OLE Automation or external DLLs. BlueZone Basic is a complete programming language.

BlueZone Basic also supports the VBScript interface so that customers who are using VBScript can upgrade with no source code changes. BlueZone Basic is the complete solution for your scripting language needs.

BlueZone Basic supports a substantial subset of Visual Basic for Applications. In addition, BlueZone Basic supports Microsoft Word Dynamic Dialogs, offers full OLE support, fully interacts with Dynamic HTML forms, and has a powerful API, that's easy to learn and easy to integrate. Through the BlueZone Basic API you can share variables, objects, and functions with your application. BlueZone Basic scripts can get and set properties and call methods or objects in your application. Callbacks can be registered so that your application can respond to compile and runtime events such as undefined variables, functions and data types. In addition, BlueZone Basic has the ability to save and load compiled scripts, supports UNICODE, and can handle huge scripts (all with a footprint of about 400k).

End users can call functions that are embedded in DLLs or in the calling EXE. These functions must first be declared using the hidden but standard Declare Statement syntax. By building a string containing the declare statements and appending it prior to executing the user's script, these functions will appear to be built into the BlueZone Basic language and can be used on demand by your end users. New functions and subroutines can be added or redirected at runtime though BlueZone Basic's powerful API.

BlueZone Basic Features

  • Adds functionality to the BlueZone family of Terminal Emulation products
  • Uses the VBA standard for scripting
  • Includes a powerful well designed API
  • Easy to learn -- easy to use
  • Scripts can even be written in VB first, then run with BlueZone Basic
  • Supports a substantial subset of Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications
  • Completely syntax compatible
  • Complete Automation and ActiveX Support
  • Feature rich
  • Works with BlueZone Script Host and Debugger

For more information on BlueZone Basic, refer to the BlueZone Advanced Automation Developer's Guide.