Advanced tab

The Advanced tab is used for enabling or disabling Nagle's Algorithm and setting the a National Replacement Character Set if so desired.

Nagle Algorithm
Nagle's Algorithm provides a means of dealing with the small packet problem that is created when an application generates data one byte at a time, causing the network to be overloaded with packets. A single character - one byte of data - originating from a keyboard could result in the transmission of a 41 byte packet consisting of one byte of useful information and 40 bytes of header data. Most networks have support for Nagle's Algorithm tuned on by default. This feature can be turned off through use of the TCP_NODELAY sockets option. When TCP_NODELAY is selected, Nagle's Algorithm is disabled.
  • Disable (TCP_NODELAY On): Selecting this option results in Nagle's Algorithm being turned off.
  • Enable (TCP_NODELAY Off): Selecting this options results in Nagle's Algorithm being turned on.
National Replacement Character Set
Manually sets the National Replacement Character Set. Most host applications automatically set the correct National Replacement Character Set to match the required language. In some cases the host application assumes that the character set is already selected.

If the wrong National Replacement Character Set is selected, you notice that certain characters, like accented characters, are displayed incorrectly. If this happens, select the desired country's National Replacement Character Set from the drop-down list box.