OIA tab

When enabled, the Operator Information Area (OIA) appears at the bottom of the terminal window and displays operator and status information. Configure the OIA settings in the OIA tab in the Display Options dialog. For a list of all OIA symbols, see Operator Information Area symbols.

Operator Information Area (OIA)

Show OIA
Select the Show OIA check box to show the OIA. Clear the Show OIA check box to hide the OIA.

OIA Colors

To change the default colors for any OIA field, select the name of the field and then click the color from the color palette. The color of each field appears to the right of its name.


Use Error Indicator Color
Select the Use Error Indicator Color check box to display OIA errors in the Error Indicator color.
Show Cursor Position on OIA
Select the Show Cursor Position on OIA check box to display the cursor row and column position field in the OIA.