3270 Emulation tab

The Translation group is used to select a translate language and if needed to configure the Translate Tables. Choices include:
  • Language (CCSID): Selects the translate language and Code Page. The Code Page is the number shown in parentheses to the right of the language. Example: English (U.S.) (37)
    Note: The language must correspond to the Windows operating system language.
  • Euro: Check to include support for the Euro currency symbol.

    Refer to Configuring Euro support for more information.

  • Translate Tables: Used to configure the translate tables for both EBCDIC to ASCII character translation and also for EBCDIC to ASCII IND$FILE transfer translation.

    Refer to Editing the translate tables for more information.

  • Change DBCS Font: This button is only active when a DBCS (Double Byte Character Set) language page is selected. Allows you to select the specific DBCS font that you want to use with the selected language page. DBCS languages have the characters DBCS at the end of their name.

    Refer to Configuring DBCS support for more information.

LU1 Print Options
  • End Bracket Timeout (seconds): If enabled, BlueZone assumes the host print job has completed when no data is received from the host for the duration of the time out period set in the following box.
  • Allow Host to Override Language and Set Code Page: If enabled, the host is allowed to set the language and code page for character translations during the print jobs.
    If this option is enabled, any customizations made to the translate tables is lost.
  • Ignore Data in Transparent Blocks: If enabled, BlueZone discards any data in SCS 03 and 35 transparent commands. Any data contained in transparent blocks is discarded and not written to the BlueZone spool file or the printer.
    From an End User Perspective:
    This feature is useful when the transparent blocks contain printer control codes for specific printers and the end user wants to print the job on a different printer. Discarding the transparent blocks results in a print job without any printer control characters. The print formatting features of the BlueZone Windows API mode can be used to format the job for the new target printer.
  • In Passthrough Mode, Process SCS Horizontal Tab Commands: If enabled (default), BlueZone processes SCS Horizontal Tab commands sent from the host. If disabled, BlueZone sends a Tab character (0x09) directly to the printer. Valid for pass-through mode only.
LU3 Print Options
  • Wrap text after 132 Characters to the Next Line: If enabled, BlueZone embeds a line feed after the 132nd character of each line to force a new line.
  • In Passthrough Mode, Add CR/LF to Last Line if Unterminated: If enabled, BlueZone adds a CR/LF to the end of the last line of a print job if terminating characters are not sent by the host. This option is needed in some cases in order to eject the paper from the printer at the end of the print job.
LU1/LU3 Print Options
  • Use Host Unbind as the End of Job Indicator: If enabled, then only host-sent Unbind commands received are used in End of Job determination.
  • Ignore Form Feeds sent from Host: If enabled, then form feeds sent from the host are ignored.