Configuring ASP integration
The standard HTML web pages that ship with BlueZone Web-to-Host can be modified to work with an ASP application.
For example, you can add a PARAM NAME and VALUE pair for user name and password to the object tag. However, an object tag with a specific user name and password is not very useful. By using an ASP script, you can create a form that captures the user's user name and password. By making the user name and password values in the object tag variables, you can have the form pass the appropriate values into the object tag, on the fly so to speak.
Configuration method: Manual configuration
Feature scope: Launch folder level feature
This is what the HTML object tag looks like when it is part of an ASP script on the web server. Note that there are two variables for the PARAM NAME Var1 and for Var2 shown in red.
<OBJECT ID="Seagull Web-to-Host Control Module v3"CLASSID="clsid:037790A6-1576-11D6-903D-00105AABADD3"
CODEBASE="../sglw2hcm.ocx#Version=-1,-1,-1,-1" HEIGHT=0 WIDTH=0>
<PARAM NAME="IniFile" VALUE="default.ini">
<PARAM NAME="Sessions" VALUE="MD_S1">
<PARAM NAME="MD_DistFile" VALUE="display.e3d">
<PARAM NAME="MD_S1" VALUE="mfdisp1.zmd">
<PARAM NAME="MD_S1_Var1" VALUE="<%= Username%>">
<PARAM NAME="MD_S1_Var2" VALUE="<%= Password%>
The ASP script then substitutes the values for Username and Password from the form for the variable values <%= Username%> and <%= Password%> in the object tag.
This is what the HTML object tag looks like after the ASP script has finished substituting the Username and Password variables from the HTML form. This resultant code is what gets sent to the user’s browser:
<OBJECT ID="Seagull Web-to-Host Control Module v3"CLASSID="clsid:037790A6-1576-11D6-903D-00105AABADD3"
CODEBASE="../sglw2hcm.ocx#Version=-1,-1,-1,-1" HEIGHT=0 WIDTH=0>
<PARAM NAME="IniFile" VALUE="default.ini">
<PARAM NAME="Sessions" VALUE="MD_S1">
<PARAM NAME="MD_DistFile" VALUE="display.e3d">
<PARAM NAME="MD_S1" VALUE="mfdisp1.zmd">
<PARAM NAME="MD_S1_Var2" VALUE="MyPassword">