BlueZone Basic supports the dialog function. This function is a user-defined function that can be called while a custom dialog
box is displayed. The dialog function makes nested dialog boxes possible and receives messages from the dialog box while it
is still active.
When the function dialog() is called in BlueZone Basic, it displays the dialog box, and calls the dialog function for that
dialog. BlueZone Basic calls the dialog function to see if there are any commands to execute. Typical commands that might
be used are disabling or hiding a control. By default, all dialog box controls are enabled. If you want a control to be hidden
you must explicitly make it disabled during initialization. After initialization BlueZone Basic displays the dialog box. When
an action is taken by the user, BlueZone Basic calls the dialog function and passes values to the function that indicate the
kind of action to take and the control that was acted upon.
The dialog box and its function are connected in the dialog definition. A function name argument is added to the
Begin Dialog instruction, and matches the name of the dialog function located in your BlueZone Basic program. For example:
Begin Dialog UserDialog1 60,60, 260, 188, "3", .BlueZone Basic