Sample VBScript HTML
The following script is designed to be used with BlueZone Web-to-Host running in the embedded client mode. This script launches an embedded BlueZone IBM 3270 Mainframe display session from an Object Tag. Five buttons appear at the top of the web page. Once the session is launched, you can use the buttons to perform the following functions:
•  Log On: Logs onto a TSO session and brings up the ISPF Menu.
•  Perform GetCursor: Pops up a Message Box with the current Row and Column of the cursor.
•  Perform ReadScreen: Pops up a Message Box with some text that is read from the screen.
•  Log Off: Logs off the session.
•  Disconnect: Disconnects the BlueZone Host Automation Object.
If you have an IBM 3270 Mainframe and you want to use the script as is, you must change the HostAddress value and possibly the Port value located in the Object Tag.
Also, you must change the Username and Password located in the LogOn function with your own valid user name and password.
This sample script also contains the ScriptOnInitComplere PARAM as shown here:
<PARAM NAME="ScriptLanguage" VALUE="VBScript">
<PARAM NAME="ScriptOnInitComplete" VALUE="hostConn">
The purpose of this PARAM is to delay the execution of your script until the BlueZone Web-to-Host control module and associated files are completely downloaded. To use it, create a Function that launches your script. Place that Function name in the PARAM VALUE as shown in the above example and in the sample script below.
To use the script:
1. Create a text document.
2. Save the file with any name you want and a file extension of .htm or .html.
3. Copy and paste the HTML code into the document you just created.
You can also cut and paste the script into an existing HTML page. Since this page contains the Object Tag, this page takes the place of your current Object Tag page.
In order to use this sample HTML page and script, you must have BlueZone Web-to-Host installed and running on a web server with the optional BlueZone scripting cab file made available to the end users.
Refer to the “How to Include BlueZone Scripting Components” section in the BlueZone Web-to-Host Administrator’s Guide for more information.
In order for the BlueZone Host Automation Object to communicate with a BlueZone Display emulation session, you must enable BlueZone's DDE interface. Refer to Configuring BlueZone for more information on enabling the DDE interface.
If you want the script to automatically log on to the host, un-comment the last two lines of the hostConn Function. The last two lines contain the words "else" and "logOn". By un-commenting these two lines, the function "hostConn” automatically calls the Function logOn.
Differences between VBScript and JavaScript
There are a few syntax and usage differences between VBScript and JavaScript.
Refer to Sample JavaScript HTML for more information.
Sample HTML page with VBScript
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<TITLE>VBScript Sample Page</TITLE>

<SCRIPT language="VBScript">

Dim Host, Row, Col


' create Function hostConn which is called by "ScriptOnInitComplete" in the Object Tag

Function hostConn


		' instantiate the BlueZone Object
		Set host = CreateObject( "BZWhll.WhllObj" )
		ResultCode = host.Connect( "A" )

		If ( ResultCode <> 0 ) Then

			' display an error message if it can't connect
			host.MsgBox "Error connecting to session A!", 4096

		End If

End Function 

' log on to the host
Function logOn

		host.Wait 1
		host.SendKey "TSO"
		host.SendKey "@E"
		host.Wait 1
		host.WaitReady 10, 1
		host.SendKey "username"
		host.SendKey "@E"
		host.WaitReady 10, 1
		host.SendKey "password"
		host.SendKey "@E"
		host.WaitReady 10, 1 
		host.SendKey "@E"
		host.WaitReady 10, 2
		host.SendKey "@E"
		host.WaitReady 10, 1

End Function

' *** GetCursor Example ***
Function getCursor

		host.GetCursor Row, Col
		host.MsgBox "The Row = "& Row & " , the Column = "& Col, 4096

End Function

' *** ReadScreen Example ***
Function readScreen

		host.ReadScreen Buf, 8, 6, 19
		host.MsgBox "Buf is "& Buf, 4096

End Function

' log off from host
Function logOff

		host.SendKey "@3"
		host.WaitReady 10, 1
		host.SendKey "logoff@E"
		host.WaitReady 10, 1
		host.CloseSession 0, 1

End Function

' disconnect the BlueZone Object
Function disconnObj

		host.MsgBox "BZHAO Disconnected!", 4096

End Function


<DIV Style="Position:Absolute;Left:10px;Top:50px">

		<OBJECT ID="BlueZone Web-to-host control module v5"
		<PARAM NAME="IniFile" VALUE="default.ini">
		<PARAM NAME="Sessions" VALUE="MD_S1">
		<PARAM NAME="DistFile" VALUE="default.dst">
		<PARAM NAME="MD_S1" VALUE="mainframe.zmd">
		<PARAM NAME="MD_S1_Save" VALUE="Yes">
		<PARAM NAME="ScriptLanguage" VALUE="VBScript">
		<PARAM NAME="ScriptOnInitComplete" VALUE="hostConn">
		<PARAM NAME="MD_S1_RunInBrowser" VALUE="Position">


		<INPUT NAME="submit" TYPE=Button VALUE="Log On" onClick="logOn">
		<INPUT NAME="submit" TYPE=Button VALUE="Perform GetCursor" onClick="getCursor">
		<INPUT NAME="submit" TYPE=Button VALUE="Perform ReadScreen" onClick="readScreen">
		<INPUT NAME="submit" TYPE=Button VALUE="Log Off" onClick="logOff">
		<INPUT NAME="submit" TYPE=Button VALUE="Disconnect" onClick="disconnObj">