Returns the host field attribute value associated with the specified screen position.
The zero-based screen position to query.
The host field attribute value in big-endian format:
Table 2: 3270 Field Attributes
Bit position Meaning
0-1 Both set to 1 (field attribute byte)
2 Unprotected/protected:
0 = Unprotected data field
1 = Protected data field
3 Alpha/numeric:
0 = Alphanumeric data
1 = Numeric data only
4-5 I/SPD:
00 = Normal intensity, pen not detectable
01 = Normal intensity, pen detectable
10 = High intensity, pen detectable
11 = Non-display, pen not detectable
6 Reserved
7 MDT (Modified Data Tag):
0 = Field has not been modified
1 = Field has been modified
Table 3: 5250 Field Attributes
Bit position Meaning
0 Field attribute flag:
0 = Not a field attribute
1 = Field attribute byte
1 Visibility:
0 = Non-display
1 = Display
2 Unprotected/protected:
0 = Unprotected data field
1 = Protected data field
3 Intensity:
0 = Normal
1 = High
4-6 Field Type:
000 = Alphanumeric: all characters allowed
001 = Alphabetic only
010 = Numeric shift: automatic shift for numerics
011 = Numeric only
100 = Reserved
101 = Digits:
110 = Magnetic stripe reader data only
111 = Signed Numeric
7 MDT:
0 = Field has not been modified
1 = Field has been modified
The screen position starts at 0 in the upper-left corner of the window (row 1, column 1), and ends at the bottom-right of the window (max row times max column minus one). For example, for a Model 2 - 24 x 80 screen, the last position is 1919.
set bzhao = CreateObject("BZWhll.WhllObj")
i = 0
While i < 1920
  x = bzhao.QueryFieldAttribute( i )
  if x <> y then
    y = x
    MsgBox "Attribute " & x & " at position " & i
  end if
  i = i + 1