VbOKOnly |
0 |
Display OK button only. |
VbOKCancel |
1 |
Display OK and Cancel buttons. |
VbAbortRetryIgnore |
2 |
Display Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons. |
VbYesNoCancel |
3 |
Display Yes, No, and Cancel buttons. |
VbYesNo |
4 |
Display Yes and No buttons. |
VbRetryCancel |
5 |
Display Retry and Cancel buttons. |
VbCritical |
16 |
Display Critical Message icon. |
VbQuestion |
32 |
Display Warning Query icon. |
VbExclamation |
48 |
Display Warning Message icon. |
VbInformation |
64 |
Display Information Message icon. |
VbDefaultButton1 |
0 |
First button is the default. |
VbDefaultButton2 |
256 |
Second button is the default. |
VbDefaultButton3 |
512 |
Third button is the default. |
VbDefaultButton4 |
768 |
Fourth button is the default. |
VvbApplicationModal |
0 |
Application modal. The user must respond to the message box before continuing work in the current application. |
VbSystemModal |
4096 |
System modal. On Win16 systems, all applications are suspended until the user responds to the message box. On Win32 systems,
this constant provides an application modal message box that always remains on top of any other programs you may have running.