Write # statement
Write #filenumber [,parameterlist ]
Writes and formats data to a sequential file that must be opened in output or append mode.
A comma delimited list of the supplied parameters is written to the indicated file. If no parameters are present, the newline character is all that will be written to the file.
Sub Main()
   Open "TESTFILE" For Output As #1   ' Open to write file.
   userData1$ = InputBox("Enter your own text here")
   userData2$ = InputBox("Enter more of your own text here")
   Write #1, "This is a test of the Write # statement."
   Write #1,userData1$, userData2
   Close #1
   Open "TESTFILE" for Input As #2   ' Open to read file.
   Do While Not EOF(2)
       Line Input #2, FileData   ' Read a line of data.
       PRint FileData   ' Construct message.
   Close #2   ' Close all open files.
   MsgBox "Testing Print Statement"   ' Display message.
   Kill "TESTFILE"   ' Remove file from disk.
End Sub