Const statement
Const name = expression
Assigns a symbolic name to a constant value.
A constant must be defined before it is used.
The definition of a Const in BlueZone Basic outside the procedure or at the module level is a global. The syntax Global Const and Const are used below outside the module level are identical.
A type declaration character can be used; however, if none is used BlueZone Basic automatically assigns one of the following data types to the constant: long (if it is a long or integer), Double (if a decimal place is present), or a String ( if it is a string).
Global Const Height = 14.4357
Const PI = 3.14159   'Global to all procedures in a module
Sub Main()
   Begin Dialog DialogName1 60, 60, 160,70, "ASC - Hello"
       TEXT 10, 10, 100, 20, "Please fill in the radius of circle x"
       TEXT 10, 40, 28, 12, "Radius"
       TEXTBOX 42, 40, 28, 12, .Radius
       OKBUTTON 42, 54,40, 12
   End Dialog
   Dim Dlg1 As DialogName1
   Dialog Dlg1
   CylArea = Height * (Dlg1.Radius * Dlg1.Radius) * PI
   MsgBox "The volume of Cylinder x is " & CylArea 
End Sub