Synchronizing Web Manager
If you have two instances of the Web Manager installed, it is possible to synchronize the database of one instance with the other.
For example, you can install and test a prerelease version of Web Manager. You can synchronize the database of your production Web Manager with the test version.
Refer to Accessing command line mode for more information on command line mode.
1. On your web server, type the command line mode.
2. Navigate to the Web Manager installation that you want to synchronize.
For example, if you installed a test version of Web Manager in swmTest, then navigate to swmTest.
C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Tomcat 4.1\webapps\swmTest
In this directory, there is a run.bat file for Windows and a file for Unix/Linux.
3. Execute the file appropriate for your operating system. If you are unsure of how to do this, please consult a knowledgeable system administrator within your organization.
Web Manager is now in command line mode:
4. Type y and press Enter to accept the default directory.
5. Once Web Manager is loaded and the blank WebManager%> prompt appears, type synch(); and press Enter to start the synchronize routine.
6. Follow the instructions, pointing to the production install (swm or whatever it is called) as the source server.
This routine pulls over user, group and session data and configuration files.
Now both Web Manager installations are equivalent in the data they contain.