The page
In addition to the Miscellaneous Settings described above, there are a few less frequently used settings which cannot be accessed through the Application section. To change these settings, edit the page with Notepad. This page can be found in the following location:
The beginning of the page looks similar to this:
#  Print application debug information to the browser in 
#    the Admin section.?
#  Browser configurable - Application Section.
#  On Login to the Hosts section, if the Login fails 
#    redirect the client to this Login. Set to empty
#    to use application default.
#  Not browser configurable.
The single # sign is used as a comment. The double ## sign is used to note the start and end of a section.
To determine if a feature is accessible through the browser or if you must make changes to the page, edit the page with Notepad and look at each individual section. If the particular section has the following note:
#  Browser configurable - Application Section.
Then you use the Miscellaneous Settings feature described above to make your changes.
If the particular section has the note:
#  Not browser configurable.
Then you must make your desired changes on this page. The features along with their possible settings are well documented on this page and are not described in this guide.