Send File – Function 90
This function transfers a file from the PC running the Windows HLLAPI application to the Host. The file transfer can be synchronous (dedicated) or asynchronous (call-and-return). See the “Remarks” section for information on asynchronous file transfer.
Prerequisite functions
Start Keystroke Intercept (function 50)
Function call
Call parameters
Parameter Description
Data String SEND command parameters.
Data Length Length of Data String. NA if session option EOT is specified.
PS Position NA
Return code
Code Description
WHLLOK File transfer started successfully (asynchronous mode only).
WHLLNOTCONNECTED Parameter error or Data Length is zero or greater than 128.
WHLLFTXCOMPLETE The file transfer completed (synchronous mode only).
WHLLFTXSEGMENTED Transfer completed with one or more segmented records (synchronous mode only).
WHLLSYSERROR The function failed due to a system error.
WHLLTRANSABORTED The file transfer aborted, either due to the user entering CTRL+BREAK or (if a timeout was set by Set Session Parameters, function 9) because the timeout period expired.
WHLLINVALIDFUNCTIONNUM Invalid function number.
WHLLACCESSDENIED Access denied to PC file.
WHLLMEMORY Insufficient memory.
This function is affected by the session options STRLEN/STREOT, EOT=c, QUIET/NOQUIET, and TIMEOUT=0/TIMEOUT=c . See Set Session Parameters (function 9) for details.
You cannot use this function on 5250 sessions, 5250 printer sessions, or 3270 printer sessions. Only one file transfer operation is supported at a time, regardless of the number of Host sessions accessed by your Windows HLLAPI application.
Data String should contain the SEND command parameters that you would normally enter at the DOS prompt. For example, to send the file SALES.RPT from your PC to the CMS file SLS REPRT A on the Host session with the short name session ID of “E:”
•  Data Length 35
Asynchronous Mode
When asynchronous mode is enabled by calling WinHLLAPIAsync, the function initiates the file transfer and immediately returns control to your Windows HLLAPI application. This frees your application to perform other tasks while the file transfer is occurring.
Because asynchronous mode returns control immediately, you must use Windows version 3.x message notification to determine the completion status of the file transfer. Use the RegisterWindowsMessage( ) function to register the message “WinHLLAPIAsyncFileTransfer”. The message notification is in the format: (wMsgID, wParm, lParm)
wMsgID Is the message ID returned by RegisterWindowsMessage.
wParm Is the status indicator: the high byte contains the short name session ID, the low byte contains the status. If the low byte is zero, the file transfer is still in progress. If the low byte is one, the file transfer has completed.
lParm Depends upon the low byte value of wParm. If the low byte of wParm is zero (in progress), lParm is the number of bytes that have been transferred. If the low byte of wParm is one (completed), lParm is the two-digit Host TRANS code.