Stop Close Intercept – Function 43
This function stops the application from intercepting close requests from the user. Subsequent close requests are processed normally by the emulator program.
Prerequisite functions
Start Close Intercept (function 41)
Function call
Call parameters
Parameters Description
Data String One-character short name session ID of the presentation space.
Data Length Must be specified.
PS Position NA
Return code
Code Description
WHLLOK A close intercept event did not occur.
WHLLNOTCONNECTED An invalid presentation space was specified, or was not connected for window services.
WHLLPARAMETERERROR An invalid option was specified.
WHLLNOTAVAILABLE Start Close Intercept has not been called prior to this function for the specified presentation space.
WHLLSYSERROR The function failed due to a system error.
WHLLPSENDED The session stopped.
This function is not supported for 5250 emulation.